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Optimal Women’s Workout Guide


Working out is just one component of a fit and balanced life, but it’s a vital one. Consistent exercise is essential to achieving your health and wellness goals. The key is knowing how to do it right. This women’s guide to exercising strategically, staying motivated and enjoying the benefits of regular exercise can help you get the best possible results.

How to Stay Motivated

Before you can realize the benefits of regular exercise, you need to get and stay motivated. But for many women, simply making the choice — and scheduling the time — to work out day after day, week after week is a major obstacle. Here are some tips for sticking with the program:

  • Let your workout match your mood. For example, try yoga when you’re feeling low-key and running when you need to burn off energy.
  • Find a buddy. Everything is easier and more sustainable when you have company.
  • Make a plan. Set specific goals and determine the steps that will help you achieve them. 
  • Add music. Choose tunes that will give you the emotional boost you need.
  • Track your progress. Use a wearable device or log your daily reps to see how you’re progressing.  

Do’s and Don’ts to Achieve Workout Success

Once you’re committed to working out regularly, the next challenge is to exercise in the most effective way. The following do’s and don’ts are a great place to start:

  • Do drink enough water to keep your body hydrated, sipping a few ounces every 15 minutes.
  • Don’t guzzle too much, too fast. This can lead to cramping and reduced sodium levels.
  • Do get enough food. Exercising on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster.
  • Don’t hold your breath while doing strenuous activities such as weightlifting. 
  • Do look for whole-body exercises.
  • Don’t focus on just one muscle group.
  • Do warm up before each workout.
  • Don’t push through major aches and pains. Know when to rest.

Benefits of Exercise

Perhaps the best part of exercise is all the benefits it provides. Here are just of few of them:

  • Digestive regularity
  • An improved mood
  • Reduced stress
  • Better mental focus
  • Stronger bones
  • Reduced risk of many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and depression

To learn more ways women can achieve an optimal workout, take a look at the attached resource. There you’ll find additional do’s and don’ts, tips on motivation and benefits of exercise.

Author bio: Jaz Jackson is owner and creator of JSCULPT Fitness. Having gone on her own weight-loss journey, Jackson designed the J Sculpt Fitness Belt to assist with her workout goals. 

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