Stop eating these foods if you suffer from PCOS now



Are you suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? Then you may be thinking about what foods to avoid maintaining a nutritious diet and lifestyle. I’ve compiled a list of the worst foods for PCOS sufferers. If you’re trying to control PCOS symptoms, this list of foods to avoid PCOS isn’t an all-inclusive list, but it does give you some suggestions of what foods to avoid.

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects one in ten women, however, it is frequently misdiagnosed or misunderstood, causing many of these people to suffer in solitude. When it comes to managing and reducing symptoms of PCOS, there are many options, including bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and nutrition. Some foods are OK to eat with PCOS, while others should be avoided. Here are PCOS food to avoid if you have PCOS.

PCOS Food to Avoid

Foods that might be good to avoid or cut back on if you have PCOS:

1. Processed Foods

Processed foods are more likely to have a high Glycaemic Index (GI), which is linked to insulin production and diabetes; they are more likely to be unhealthy for you. Women who have PCOS are much more likely to get diabetes, so it’s very important to stay away from foods that raise your blood sugar. This includes ready-to-eat foods like biscuits, cakes, and cookies, as well as carbs like white potatoes, and breads.

2. Avoid Bad Fat

PCOS management can benefit from the use of healthy fats, while the opposite is true for the consumption of unhealthy fats. Dairy goods like milk and cheese and fatty red meats, processed and fried foods, including saturated or hydrogenated fats. In addition to making your PCOS symptoms worse, these bad fats can cause weight gain, aggravating them further.

3. Deep-fried foods

Deep-fried foods, especially those from fast-food restaurants, are notorious for their high-fat content and health risks. Saturated and trans fats are found in the oil used to fry fried foods. Inflammation, cancer risk, and weight gain are all increased by these foods, not by how bad they taste. Due to their similarity to sugary foods, fried foods are also bad for you. As a result, they provide a burst of energy, but they also cause a spike in blood sugar levels and a subsequent drop in blood sugar levels.

4. Soy-Based Foods

Estrogen dominance, or elevated estrogen levels in women with PCOS, is common. It has been found that soy products can help those with low estrogen levels but can be harmful to those with PCOS or other estrogen-dominant conditions. Even though the effect of soy on estrogen levels is still being debated, if you have PCOS, you may want to consider cutting out soy products.

5. Sugary Beverages

Drinking sugary beverages is one of the most dangerous things you can do to your PCOS. Almost every single one of them is stuffed to the brim with sugar. Insulin is released when sugar is found in foods, which helps sugar enter cells. It’s possible, however, that too much sugar is stored as fat as a result of this process. That is to say, the impact on your PCOS is just as important as the weight gain. To avoid insulin spikes and overproduction of male hormones like testosterone, avoid sugary drinks regularly.

6. Red Meat

Excessive consumption of red meat has been linked to higher levels of inflammation and lower levels of progesterone in the body. The problem of eating too much red meat is similar to the problem of eating too much-processed meat. PCOS sufferers should avoid inflammatory foods and beverages as a general rule. The quality of red meat is just as important as the quantity. Organic or grass-fed meats are preferable to lower-quality meats.

7. Gluten

Even though gluten-free diets aren’t for everyone with PCOS, they can be an important step for those who have the willpower. Gluten has been shown to be highly inflammatory, despite the lack of evidence that gluten affects PCOS. Choosing a good PCOS diet means avoiding inflammation, as we’ve already established (from the information presented above). Aim to fully avoid gluten products, and instead rely on PCOS supplements or other sources.


8. Alcohol

If you have PCOS, you can drink alcohol in moderation.  Drinking alcohol can raise testosterone levels, which can cause an imbalance with estrogen. LH and FSH, two hormones that control the timing and amount of ovulation in women, may also be released excessively by drinking alcohol. Alcohol can also cause a drop in blood sugar, which can lead to increased sugar cravings, weight gain, depletion of nutrients and an inability to regulate glucose levels and cause low blood sugar. Additionally, women with PCOS (as well as other women who have difficulty conceiving) may find that alcohol has a negative impact on their ability to ovulate and menstruate. When it comes to women with PCOS, it is best to avoid alcohol as much as possible.

If you suffer severe pain then consider visiting a doctor. However, when it comes to managing and reducing symptoms of PCOS, there are many options, including bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and nutrition. Our tips above on selecting the best food options along with slight exercise will help alleviate the symptoms. Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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