Workouts for Pregnant Women During COVID-19 Pandemic


Workouts for Pregnant Women are important for a healthy child birth likewise to help alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy. As the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc around the world, people are being isolated at home to control the spread of the deadly virus. On the other hand, many people are wondering how they can stay fit and active at home. More specifically, pregnant women whom may have it difficult during the pandemic.

In this blog, we’ll list a few option Pregnant Women workouts which can be easily Performed while providing lots of benefits During COVID-19.

Exercise during pregnancy is of course safe and healthy. You can do simple at-home exercises including Pilates, small weights, yoga and other exercises.

In case, you have been exercising before pregnancy, you should continue it and aim to keep your current level of fitness up and running.

Benefits of Exercising while being Pregnant

There are many health benefits a mother can gain from exercising while being pregnant. These include reduced stress levels, regulated blood, sugar and cholesterol levels, easy child birth to name a few. According to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), exercising during pregnancy can help

  • Prevent Premature birth
  • Reduces Back Pain
  • Eases constipation
  • Promotes healthy weight gain
  • Improves overall general fitness

The ACOG also suggests that pregnant women should at least get 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise per day.

Let’s look at some best home workouts for Pregnant Women

  • Swimming

Swimming can be a perfect pregnancy workout because in water you can feel lighter and much agile. It can help to relive nausea, back pain and puffy ankles. It also helps you to improves cardiovascular health.

  • Pilates

Pilates is to improve strength, flexibility and posture. It will help your body to cope with the extra weight of the baby. Pilates strengthens the pelvic area which is important for labour and recovery after birth.

  • Yoga

Yoga is an activity that mainly focuses on mental and physical wellbeing. It has a number of asanas (different body positions) and breathing techniques. Ask your Yoga instructor to guide you with safe yoga poses during pregnancy.

  • Strength Exercises

These exercises will help you to make your muscles stronger. These stronger muscles will help you to bear the weight you gain during pregnancy. These exercises also help to prevent joint pains.

  • Supplements for pregnant women

In addition to the exercises listed above, a dietary supplementation can help provide the vital nutritional needs for a health child birth. As always, it is best to consult with your health professional or physician before embarking on any lifestyle changes. A popular company on the market for premium supplements is bauer nutrition. For a limited time only, buy any 2 items and get 1 free.

Always keep in mind that there are plenty of workouts to get fit and healthy during pregnancy but also remember that there are a few more exercises you should not do during pregnancy. Always ask your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about exercising during pregnancy. For more information on weight loss exercise that checkout our weight loss blog for more which offers our top 10 exercises pregnant women can utilize to workout.



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